Hello, Fellow MOFOs! Vegan MOFO 2014 has arrived!

Cue happy, inspiring music here (go ahead and pick your own soundtrack). It’s September, which means that we’ve officially started the Vegan Month of Food (aka Vegan MoFo! For the uninitiated, this is a celebration/social network explosion of the delicious wonders of vegan cooking and eating, among other vegan-y things. I’m going to stick mostly to the cooking/eating part since that’s what I know best. So expect some tantalizing original recipes of stuff I actually eat, and maybe a restaurant/product review here and there. I may expound upon the personal, moral, and environmental benefits a bit too, but don’t worry. Tigers don’t proselytize.

Anywhoo, I have to confess this is my first bout with Vegan MoFo, so bear with me. I started this blog specifically to participate in this event. I was very excited because it coincided with both of my young kids attending school for the whole day, every day. Which is something I’ve been waiting on for nearly, oh, ten years. What a perfect time to dive into the world of blogging!  As luck would have it (and this is truly lucky), I was offered a job with a family friend’s company. A good job. Making good pay. I even have a title, and it isn’t bartender, or prep cook, or barista! It’s office-y and official and I get to dress like a grown up. And I start tomorrow (well, today, technically- I gotta get to bed!). So, I will have a lot more on my plate than I planned this September, but I’m going to try to give this blog the attention it deserves. Signing off for now, but hopefully tomorrow I can give you a bit more background about myself and VeganMoFo (like links! Oooooh, fancy!).